''Ran'' Vs 'Goat'
The Four Horses and Horsemen of The Apocalypse
The Chaos of Religions and The Purification of the Church
O The Greatest Enemy of Mankind
AThe Seven Prophetic Churches of Apocalypse
God´s Perfect Plan For The Church
Biblical Numerology
Watchman Doctrine
Baptism and Supper
The Female Ministry
The 2 Animals of 7 Heads ans 10 Horns
1°, 2º and 3º Watchman
The Excluded of the World
My Reason to Write

One of the things that the Methodist Church is furious with us is that in a council they wanted to bring down the central temple and give it to a construction company build a 20 story building and the church would get four floors to lease, as they do in the building in the back. We went with eight members of the Santa Marta Congregation and voted against, 13 votes to twelve, we won by one vote, and won a war, since the church isn’t a company, and in this country is a philanthropic institution, without profit and doesn’t pay taxes, but what we see is a company with hunger for a lot of profit. Some national and other multinational, with tax exemptions and free commerce, and many donations, some from government, unlawful enrichment and abusive profit are crimes.
Where is inspection to see all this?

I am sure that it would happen, as happened in the IE (Methodist Educational Institute)

school, that from 1990 to 1996, sold the farm (the poor didn’t get one piece of land) and the land that was donated by city hall among other things... and even so “broke” the school with one million dollars of debts (killed the goose that laid the golden egg) and when it was supposed to be an internal check to see where the money went to, the treasury  caught fire the night before.
Is a shame! How many Professional religious place themselves as intermediaries and receive donations from everywhere and make a cake, and when it’s time to share, the poor gets only the crumbs.
The social institutions of the church serve only to wash their conscience, those that help the poor serve to get jobs for friends and family, they increase their patrimony, and they forbid alms in the streets.
Place themselves as intermediaries with good pay and play the trumpet to show off with someone else’s money.